These resources are for advice and guidance only and do not take the place of personalised advice or information following a professional medical assessment. if in doubt please book an appointment for advice.
ACPTMD For more information about physiotherapy for TMJD
The TMJ Association More information on TMJD and resources to help manage it
APPI The Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute, for more information about Pilates and to buy mats, bands and other equipment
NHS Exercise Videos For those looking to try Pilates and other forms of exercise, good ideas for exercise outside of appointments
The PGOP Physiotherapy for pelvic health - information for women with issues relating to pregnancy and pelvic health. POGP (
The Feel Good Norfolk Collective wellbeing support Home - Feel Good Norfolk
Hypopressives with Alice youtube channel. I trained in hypopressives with Alice and this is a great resource to learn more about what hypopressives is and give it a try: hypopressives with Alice